Bol. fulfilment

Logistics via bol.

Bol. is growing enormously and more and more people want to use logistics via bol. We will inform you about this, but also what the alternatives are.

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Bol. fulfilment

Bol. is one of the largest sales platforms in the Netherlands. Many people buy products here and there are many different types of sellers active. Bol. offers a service that can take care of the entire logistics of webshops. This way, webshop owners have more time for other parts of the organization.

Advantages of logistics via Bol.

  • You save a lot of time because everything in the logistics process is taken care of.
  • Customers of the webshop receive exclusive delivery options, which may lead to more conversions.
  • Producten komen hoger in de zoekresultaten te staan wat kan zorgen voor meer conversies
  • Delivery is easy in the Netherlands and Belgium

Terms and conditions of Bol. fulfilment

In recent times, the demand for logistics via has increased enormously. As a result, Bol. has chosen to selectively choose new webshops to use logistics via Bol. Since 2022, there has been an additional condition, namely that the webshop sells at least 3,000 items per year. Webshop owners can register on a list and if there is capacity, webshops will be contacted that they can use logistics via Bol.

What do we offer?

QLS is a logistics company that offers the same services as We offer our fulfilment service. This means that we store your products in our AutoStore, which is an automated warehouse that works using robots. When you receive an order, our robots and staff get to work to get your order to the customer as quickly as possible.

We pick the order, pack the order and stick the shipping labels on the boxes. Finally, we deliver the parcels to our logistics carriers who deliver them to your customer. We also arrange the entire returns processing for your webshop.

We check the returned products for your return conditions and store them neatly in our AutoStore. The information about the returns can easily be found in our platform.

Would you rather store your products yourself? Then our parcel service is for you. You store your products yourself and when you place an order, we will visit you to collect the products for an order. We then deliver the parcels and deliver them to your customer via our logistics carriers. You still have to pack the products and label the parcels yourself.

Are you interested? Contact us or check out our website!