
Information about fragile items can be found here

When you sell products that are fragile, it is important to package them properly. That is why QLS offers various options for packing fragile items. On this page you will find all the different options and how our employees deal with them.

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Fragile products

Fragile – paper
When you set a product to fragile – the box is filled with specially folded paper. This ensures that the item can move less during transport and that shocks are absorbed. Do you not want plastic filling material due to the impact on nature? Then choose this ecological paper solution.

You can easily set all the different fragile options yourself on the product page. All orders containing a product that is set as fragile go via a separate conveyor belt to our manual packing department. This way, QLS can process thousands of orders per day and still guarantee that items are packed properly!

Tip: you can easily change products from fragile level in bulk by using an Excel import. The import/export feature can be found at the top right of the product overview page.

Fragile – plastic
When you set a product to fragile – plastic, the box is filled with large plastic bags with air in them. This ensures that the item can move less during transport and that shocks are absorbed. The plastic we use for this is made from recycled plastic to minimize the impact on nature.

Extremely fragile
When you set a product to extremely fragile, the item is wrapped all around in bubble wrap. This ensures that the item has an extra layer of protection and can absorb shocks even better.

In addition to the above solutions, we offer a number of additional solutions. These solutions can only be set up by account managers.

Fragile stickers
To indicate to the various carriers that this is a fragile order, we offer the option of placing fragile stickers on the shipping box. Your account manager can activate this on request per different fragile level. This allows the delivery person to see that it is a fragile parcel and that they must handle it extra carefully.

Large orders
When an order becomes too large, products that are normally not fragile can still break. That is why we offer the option to sort large orders separately and have them properly packed. We ensure that there are not too many items in one box and that the box is properly filled. Your account manager can activate this on request.

Custom packing gifs
At all different fragile levels we show our employee gifs to show how an order should be packed. If your items need to be packed in a different way, your account manager can replace the gif with a custom gif.